Japan quake, whirlpool

The quake caused a whirpool to form off the coast of Japan, March 11th 2011. (AP)

Japan has been hit by a massive Earth Quake which has been followed by an equally massive tsunami which has flooded the North East region of Japan. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) recorded the quake at 8.9 at 2:46 local time at a depth of 24 km. Reports have stated that the nuclear power plants in Japan have been safely deactivated after several plants cooling systems failed.

The quake is the fifth largest in the world according to a report by the BBC which stated the quake is 8,000 times stronger than the recent quake which hit Christchurch, New Zealand; just last month.

In a recent report from Japan’s national police, they have said that they had found over 300 bodies and additionally there are said to be 500 people missing. In a port city in Miyagi between 200 and 300 bodies were find in one ward alone in Sendai.

In media across the world we have seen violent swaying and shaking buildings with people running for cover under tables. In other videos we have seen the devastation where buildings have been completely destroyed. The worst of it is the impact of the tsunami which has said to have swept 6 miles in shore and has devastated entire communities. NHK the main media outlet in Japan showed video of tsunami rapidly coming in as motorists on roads had literally turned around and had only minutes to escape fast and hard hitting waves which have reached up to 2 meters tall and in some places like Sendai/Natori waves had hit these small places of up to 10 meters tall.

Japan a country which has equipped itself with modern technology to withstand earth quakes has suffered tremendously in these events taking place and following up. This follows after a contraction in the Japanese economy in January 2011. With this massive and devastating event this will not do well with getting Japan’s economy on track. The Japanese government now have a new agenda at hand and that is for the well-being of Japanese and foreign nationals living in Japan.

Tsunami warnings were given across the Pacific Basin which stretches from Hawaii, coastal regions, islands and as far as Chile.


12/03/2011 – According to several news sources we have learned that Hawaii is most likely to have large waves headed there way. Countries such as South Korea and areas North West and South West of Japan seem to in the clear.

The direction of tsunami has headed and reached South East towards Hawaii which is only 3850 miles away. Less severe waves are forecasted to hit the West coast of the U.S., Mexico, Chile and several other countries in the region according to sources from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Reports from the BBC suggest that the West Coast has already been hit by waves caused by this tsunami and has hit the coasts in California.

Japan’s prime minister has also declared a nuclear emergency.

However Japan’s Atomic Industrial Forum has stated that no nuclear material had been detected and that the warning had only been given out in the possible event of a nuclear meltdown and release of nuclear materials.

The warning came after the nuclear powerplant in the Fukushima Daiichi plant had one of its nuclear coolers fail during a shut down of the power plants nuclear cores.

This also came after an explosion was sighted at the site of the power plant.

The nuclear problem is still on-going. However conditions as of the 21/03/2011 seem to be improving in terms in dealing with the problem effected Fukushima Daiichi nuclear powered plant. Power has been restored to three of the plants reactors and engineers are currently working to get water pumps working again. This is to resolve the problem of the spent fuel rods from leaking and the reactors themselves from leaking radiation.

The official death toll has risen to 8,450 people with an additional 13,000 reported missing.

The World Bank came out with a report saying the damage would cost Japan $235 billion. ($US)

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